Friday, October 23, 2015

picture of the boat

Sorry for not posting the last couple of days, life has been pretty crazy.
We found a boat that looks like it might be a good fit for us, and have been scrambling to get things in order for a trip up the coast to San Fransisco Bay to take a look at it. There are several others interested in the boat and at the price (free) it isn't likely to last terribly long.
As with all "free" boats it comes with a list of repairs and refits that need to happen, so in addition to trying to plan a last minute road trip we are also trying to sell some things to help with the initial costs.

Here is a picture of the boat:

She is a bit larger then we were looking for but almost exactly what we had dreamed about owning in the future.

Keep us in your prayers as we are deciding about this.


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